Council Grandstanding – GoldenBay Loses
No money in the budget to fix the historic grandstand in GoldenBay.

The new recreation facility can not open until the historic grandstand has been made safe for public use. This is a little bit of a problem as it requires a budget overspend, which is bad for the 119-year-old grandstand according to TDC.
TDC property advisor and park project manager Jim Frater said “The problem is that there just isn’t any extra money.”
Oddly, there are half a million dollars of unbudgeted money wasted “well invested” in the council’s pet building project at Mapua. I guess the people of GoldenBay are not as deserving as the people of Mapua (whether they want it or not). And I am sure an 119-year-old building does not need the same respect as a new fence to inconvenience the competition of council’s tenants.
Petty grandstanding by the current past-their-use-by-date councillors has once again short-changed the ratepayers properly finished facility that preserves the historic integrity of their community.
Do other ratepayers see the irony here?