It was very nice of Stuff to include me in their nationwide hit-pieces against those protesting against this Government’s “two classes of society.” Clearly an example of what $50 million dollars of support can buy.
I found it appalling that during a declared State of Emergency a Stuff reporter contacted me and suggested the most important thing to her readers was my current vaccination status. It was insulting to the people of this region and definitely insulting to me.
She was not upfront about what type of article she was writing, although it was obvious when one of the first questions was about my vaccination status. From that point the open and honest dialogue that I have in the past enjoyed with Stuff was no longer on the table (including supplying them with the picture that re-used without permission).
To be honest and upfront, my vaccination status is nobody’s business but my own. However, as it is no secret: I went to the US to study around the turn of the century (yes I am that old) and for my visa I had to be more than up to date with vaccinations. So I am fully vaccinated. What I have not done is participate in an experimental gene therapy.
There are various reasons for my sudden “anti-vax” about face which I am happy to discuss, but won’t here because I am sure most readers aren’t that interested. What I will say is that when I saw a similar approach to the dam being used with this gene therapy I knew something was fishy. By similar, I mean we label anyone that is asking questions as “anti-dammer” or “anti-vaxxer” and then we don’t have to address their concerns just because we have labelled them. Instead of addressing the issues we just drown them out with propaganda. We don’t go back and apologize/ explain things we “got wrong” like P95s or hibernating bats being responsible for spreading the virus or “we won’t be mandating in NZ.”
Back to the Stuff smear piece. The question that the reporter actually asked me was about a comment that I made concerning Bill Gates being involved with the virus. To which my comment was “of course Bill Gates is involved.” The reporter then wanted a further quote so I said “he is the one supplying the vaccines.” When the reporter that clearly had done no research of her own in preparing to interview me asked for further clarification I sent her off to do her own homework, clearly she lives under a rock. But for those that haven’t heard, Bill Gates (and his foundation) have been buying up vaccine patents (among other things) for years. His net worth jumped by many billions during the global roll out. Of course I was not quoted on this.
One other interesting comment on that topic is that Bill Gates, guru of all things vaccine, said the vaccine did not prevent transmission some two years ago while our podium of all things truthful continued to push the lie that you needed to be “vaccinated for Aotearoa.” Saying that by getting vaccinated you were saving your grandma.
Yes, I did ask for clarification what the reporter meant when she asked if I was involved with Voices For Freedom (VFF) because I have seen the previous hit pieces Stuff has been doing. Not only did they take a quote about VFF saying their supporters should “make NZ ungovernable” out of context, they have included a partial quote of mine saying I protested with VFF. I said I attended Wellington and VFF were also there so in that sense I have protested with VFF. There are a lot great people involved with VFF all with their own stories to tell. We have been branded as a lower class of citizen by this Government and choose to protest against such disgraceful comments by a supposedly civilized democratic society.
Trevor Mallard also goes down as one of the most disgraceful members of New Zealand society with his pathetic response to a lawful assembly of citizens. When I saw (not on mainstream media obviously) the sprinkler saga and the music (of sorts) playing along with the police brutality on women and children, I did decide that I should go to Wellington to voice my disgust as well. For those that did not attend you missed a great experience apart from the orchestrated finale that played out under the press balcony very conveniently.
Just like the Waimea Irrigation Dam, I do not have to prove anything, I just have to sit and wait, time will reveal all. Like with the dam the true cost is being revealed (not over yet sorry), the true cost of the (so-called) vaccine is also yet to be revealed. People telling their story, or “claimed” story as Stuff quotes Aly Cook, will have their say. Unfortunately, there are many people in that category like Rory Nairn whose family have been struggling for months to get their voice heard.
One question that I had for the reporter (I use that term in its loosest possible sense) was whether or not she was going to do an article on candidates standing under a Labour Party ticket. Because those candidates have to sign a memorandum of intent (contract) that binds them to voting according to Labour Party direction. Which to me is of far more concern than some loose connection with a protest group. Ever wonder why some Councils did not object to the Three Waters asset grab? Or perhaps, why Rotorua council is selling off reserves for social housing? However, I was informed that Stuff reporters are “too busy” to cover everything. Clearly your $50 million bribe has a bias – or is it a contract that binds you to only publishing Labour Party directed propaganda?
If six years of serving in Council is to be defined by a Stuff attempt at a character smear by associating me with a group who were not even dreamed would be necessary much less in existence when I was elected then so be it. My message has remained consistent, as has my voting record, for the past six years and it will be my testament. I can assure you, that there are those I serve with that do not have voting records that match their campaign promises. For instance, “I will keep us within our debt and rate caps,” and yet I will consistently vote to spend unbudgeted money when we have no contingency left.
While we still live in the remnants of a democracy, you have the opportunity to elect candidates that represent what matters to you most. If my vaccination status, or my objection to Government over-reach, is more important to you than sensible Council spending and rates brought under control, then don’t elect me. I have a yacht to learn to sail – if you give free lessons (I also have unaffordable rates to pay) then get in touch!