Introducing Dean McNamara:

I have a connection to the Tasman region stretching back as many as 6 generations.
In my 50
My colleagues, friends, and customers would say I am a person you can trust, to do what I say, and to do the right thing.
I believe as a Council we can do better.
This term the Council will be facing some tough decisions:
Should we raise the Council’s debt cap above $200 million?
Should we increase rates above 3% per year?
Should Council cut back spending on core infrastructure?
Should Council cut back spending on arts/culture/playgrounds?
Should our Council hold referendums on significant decisions?
Has the Council got its priorities right?
I want to ensure our children will not be paying for the mistakes of this generation. When my great-grandfather was on council they achieved a lot more with a lot fewer resources. I believe the key to returning to those performance levels is to focus more on services and less on monuments. Get our debt level under control, and plan better for the future than we have in recent past.
My wife works in a local pre-school, and my daughters attend Waimea College. I want them to have an affordable future in the beautiful Tasman district.
Local government is becoming a runaway rates locomotive. Before it derails completely we need to learn to do more with less. But this will require working very differently with public services, communities and users to achieve better outcomes.
Join the revolution and become a voter for change with McNamara for mayor.