Clear and honest communications. Responsibility for outcomes. Genuine Community Engagement. We need to get better at listening to the voices of Tasman residents.
I have been a part of a council that published propaganda that was neither informative nor constructive. I have been a part of council that was afraid to hold a referendum on a significant issue. I have seen us consult but not listen. I have seen significant decisions made by casting vote.
But I think we can do better as a Council. I would like to see us adopt the following points as a base on which to build our relationship with ratepayers.
- Transparency – Information relating to council decisions and actions is easily accessible and easily understood, especially to those who are most effected by the decisions.
- Accountability – Council assumes responsibility for the outcomes of the decisions it makes and the actions it takes.
- Community Engagement – Council undertakes
meaningful dialogue with the community in its decision-making processes and in shaping the vision for the Tasman District.
- Inclusion – Council recognises that the Tasman community includes a diverse population dispersed across the entire region and will proactively include the needs of the entire community when distributing resources.
Starting from a position of partnership with our community would be a welcome change. Rather than spending large amounts of time and money in damage control we should take the community on the journey with us not being afraid to listen to their feedback along the way.

I believe that the people of Tasman are smart enough to make the hard decisions when presented with the facts rather than needing to be brainwashed with propaganda. We all want the Tasman district to prosper and be an enjoyable place to live for generations to come. We would also like our families to be able to afford to live here.
I am not afraid to use binding referendums on items of huge significance to the entire Tasman region. We consulted without deliberation on the Waimea Dam, and the mayor denied a referendum twice by casting vote, and yet the implications of the decision to accept the current dam funding model that
Vote McNamara for a council that is prepared to listen.